Illustration for Guide Magazine. The article was about a family vacationing in China that helped a man that was in a car accident there. I'm really happy with the way the rain turned out.

Some recent sketches done one night after the girls and my wife went to sleep. I am really thinking about using the lightning-bolt guy as a logo, I like it a lot. If anyone wants to see more of any of these characters please just tell me which one and I'll keep drawing him/her/it.

This was my design for one of our Halloween pumpkins. My favorite part is the sorting hat.

This is the actual carved pumpkin + a few days, which = kinda junky. Though I had to make some edits while I was carving (to simplify) I am sad that the wand and the bottom of Harry's face are gone in this pic. They didn't look bad when I first carved them.

My baby is cute but beware, she can also hurt you pretty bad. (Note the expression of pain on my face. She pulls hair like no other.)
wow! even with a few days on it- that pumpkin still rocks. your original design is awesome.
you should create jack-o-lantern templates and sell them.
I love this pumpkin design! and the character sketches are great as well, I would like to see more of the naughty pair :)
wow, great stuff mike. I love your top illustration especially. The guy checking the pulse kind of looks like Jeff Foxworthy. :)
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