Monday, April 16, 2007

Heart to Christ illustration...

Hearts Open to Christ
This is an illustration for Insight Magazine that I finished recently. The article was about finding Christ in the hearts of others. I am divided about this illustration. Part of me loves it, and part of me is unsatisfied. Did the light effect work well enough?


Adam Borg said...

At first I was confused at why there was sand coming out of people until I read your comment, however I think it is mainly the black guy in the middle and the guy on the lower left, the rest of the light effects seem to work.

Manelle said...

The illustration made sense to me but I think it made a huge difference that I read the title "hearts to Christ" before I looked at the picture. I think the light looks like light. Until I read Adam's comment and then looked back at the picture I didn't think sand. I think the illustration is working well over all. The expressions on their faces is really good. Also I posted something about my process on my blog so you can check that out if you want.

Anonymous said...

seeing it large on flickr really helped me. I love the light effect. But I've always been a sucker for texture. I've also got the advantage of not seeing the magic in your head before you execute, so it looks like really good sauce to me.