Saturday, December 02, 2006

That's my couch!

I'm so clever. For this job they asked me to use a nice texture for the couch, so I was clever and used the texture from my actual couch. The wall texture is a photo of my walls as well. I'm so smart.

They originally wanted it without the figure, but I added the guy in the end because it lacked "life" or whatever. They ended up wanting both versions just in case, so I hope they use the one with the coffee drinking guy. (Just in case you were wondering I have never had coffee nor do I plan to.)

Another cool thing (relatively) about this job is that I get paid in Canadian dollars. I'm officially an "international" artist. Wow...


Eric Dyck said...

nice work...can i ask what the publication is? i'll keep my eyes open for it...

Mike Laughead said...

I'm sorry to say that this is for an invitation for a broadcast company, so it won't be in any publication for sale. If they send me multiple copies (or any copies) I can send you one.

Melissa said...

Hey ! This is sweet!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting. Way to go for using the real-life textures.

Anonymous said...

International. Way To GO.

Anonymous said...

mike you rock!