I got a comment that the guy in the robes was a witch, so I worked on his face. But just to clear things up, here is the list of Dark Lords on the shirt:
1. Sauron (Lord of the Rings)
2. Voldemort (Harry Potter)
3. Dracula
4. Ganon (The Legend of Zelda)
5. Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)
Also here is the list of suggestions I got to add to the Dark Lords t-shirt:
1. Doctor Doom
2. Xenu
3. Lord Darken Rahl (from the TV show Legend of the Seeker)
4. Darkness (from the movie Legend played by Tim Curry)
5. Modok
6. Darth Vader
and finally
7. The Devil
I had to look up Xenu (thanks a ton Lee) but the others I all knew. As far as the shirt goes, I was trying to keep it to characters that called themselves or were known as dark lords in their stories.
About the suggestions, I'm not too keen on including any religious dark lords. Including them with fictional ones might be insulting to a believer. As for Darth Vader, I already have one lord of the Sith, so a second probably isn't needed. I'll think about the other ones, but I did get a suggestion that adding any more would crowd the design. Thanks to everyone for their help.
On a related but different note, here is a link to my t-shirt portfolio:
mikelaughead.com/TShirts.htmlSome of the shirts are for sale at online sites, if you are interested in purchasing any of them, send me an email and I'll tell you where to get them.