Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Daddy Dollar Time!

My wife had the awesome idea for "Daddy Dollars" as a reward for our daughter Eva. They will be something concrete she can earn while she is working towards a bigger goal. Once she gets 10 "Daddy Dollars" she get's a trip to Chuck E. Cheese or Bounceland. Eva seems pretty excited and I was pretty happy with the little "Daddy Dollar" drawing. And yes, that is a drawing of me in the middle.

Have a great Christmas everyone!


Kasey said...

Love it!

Jac said...

Stealing this, today.

James Best said...

You look so presidential. You should wear more ascots. And get more monochromatic.

I like the idea.

Valerie said...

What's the conversion rate to US currency?

Also, what does Eva have to do to earn these? I ask because I'm considering doing the same thing with James. With the same ultimate rewards.

Mike Laughead said...


Eva get's these if she stays dry all day and does it without Candace or Me telling her to go to the bathroom. We are hoping it's strong enough motivation for her. She seems pretty excited about Chuck E. Cheese and she has 3 Daddy Dollars already, so...