I'm still plugging away at my MFA project. Here are some sketches.
These are 3 of the main characters in my graphic novel. I am happy with the character on the right, but not the other 2.
With the character on the left, I increased his hand and feet size to make him feel like an adolescent who was still growing into his limbs.
I have continued to work on the middle character. I'm still not sure how he will look. He is the initial antagonist.
Here is another main character who's design I haven't worked on as much.
I've also worked on some basic shapes for a few secondary characters (parents of the protagonists.)
Nice shapes going on here.
Thanks, Will.
I'm really digging these. I'm excited this MFA is giving you enough time to work on a graphic novel. I know how hard it is to carve out time in non-school real life.
Too true, James. That's my main goal at the end of grad school, to have a graphic novel ready for publication.
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