Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Dinosaur Pitch, LaFraise and Illustration Mundo

Dino Pitch Covers
Here is a cover I did for the Pitch. The one on the left is the final and on the right my preferred version.

I also have this shirt up for voting on LaFraise.com.
Mega Music Monster Tee
LaFraise is similar to Threadless but is European based. Please sign up and vote.

One last thing. I was chosen to be one of the featured artists on IllustrationMundo.com again. Check me out on the left hand side.


RAWLS said...

Hey Mike! Great stuff my friend! I loved the aher in the rye design as well! Awesome!

Brandon and Emily said...

Love the Pitch cover. Also, think the WWII spread is pretty cool too. Thanks for the direction on the comics and books; I hope your journey to Kinko's was a delightful one. Later!

Allen TenBusschen said...

is that robert downy jr, in black face?

Anonymous said...

je voix pas le mal d'esséyé de communiquer et partager avec d'autres connaissences dans vision de la vie chaqun de nous peu apporter a lautres ma dermarche et sincere si jutilise le copier coller cest uniquement par que du mal a ecrire (utilise un bras pour tapper ) voila la raison

dsl pour les faute ou mots oublier

James Best said...

French people like you! Well, you've made it now.

So how you getting hooked up with this Pitch magazine? The cover is great. So why is the Robert Downey Jr in blackface your preferred?

Mike Laughead said...

I did the black skin one first and I prefer the balance and emphasis that it has in that one. I don't think the other is bad I just prefer the black one.

I got hooked up with the Pitch by "internet knowing" Zach Trover before he got the job as art director. After he started working there he started hiring me.

Daff said...

Nice! I love it